Past longest-living cardinals

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Cardinal Country Born Died Age at Death Replacing
Cahal Brendan Daly United Kingdom

(Northern Ireland)

1917 2009 92 years, 91 days Original
Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo Italy 1925 2017 92 years, 84 days 10 April 2016


Carlos Carmelo Vascocellos Motta Brazil 1890 1982 92 years, 62 days Original
Josef Frings Germany 1887 1978 91 years, 314 days Original
Jorge María Mejía Argentina 1923 2014 91 years, 312 days 1 September 2013

Dala Costa & Gagnon

Leo Jozef Suenens Belgium 1904 1996 91 years, 295 days Original
Ján Chryzostom Korec, S.J. Slovakia 1924 2015 91 years, 275 days 19 November 2013


Stanisław Nagy, S.C.I. Poland 1921 2013 91 years, 248 days 15 March 2011


Eugênio de Araújo Sales Brazil 1920 2012 91 years, 244 days 26 February 2010


Edward Clancy Australia 1923 2014 90 years, 233 days 23 September 2013

Suquía Goicoechea

Enrique Pla y Deniel Spain 1876 1968 91 years, 199 days Original
Pietro Pavan Italy 1903 1994 91 years, 118 days Original
François de Rovérié de Cabrières France 1830 1921 91 years, 113 days Original
Benedetto Aloisi Masella Italy 1879 1970 91 years, 93 days Original
Yves Congar, O.P. France 1904 1995 91 years, 70 days Original
Gerald Emmett Carter Canada 1912 2003 91 years, 28 days Original
Patrick Aloysius O’Boyle United States 1896 1987 91 years, 23 days Original
Pablo Muñoz Vega, S.J. Ecuador 1903 1994 91 years, 11 days Original
José Tomás Sánchez Philippines 1920 2012 90 years, 358 days 21 January 2009


Giuseppe Caprio (高理耀) Italy 1914 2005 90 years, 334 days Original
Luigi Di Canossa Italy 1809 1900 90 years, 326 days Original
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani Italy 1883 1973 90 years, 296 days Original
Anton Josef Gruscha Austria 1820 1911 90 years, 275 days Original
Antonio Caggiano Italy 1889 1979 90 years, 266 days Original
Lorenzo Antonetti Italy 1922 2013 90 years, 253 days 9 March 2012

dala Costa & Gagnon (tied age)

Giovanni Mercati Italy 1866 1957 90 years, 249 days Original
Silvio Angelo Pio Oddi Italy 1910 2001 90 years, 227 days Original
Giovanni Coppa Italy 1925 2016 90 years, 189 days
Aurelio Sabattani Italy 1912 2003 90 years, 183 days Original
Urbano Navarrete Cortés, S.J. Spain 1920 2010 90 years, 181 days 29 May 2009


Tomáš Špidlík, S.J. Czech Republic 1919 2010 90 years, 120 days Original
Duraisamy Simon Lourdusamy India 1924 2014 90 years, 117 days 9 January 2014


José Clemente Maurer, C.SS.R. Bolivia 1900 1990 90 years, 106 days Original
Michelangelo Celesia Italy 1814 1904 90 years, 92 days Original
Miguel Darío Miranda y Gómez Mexico 1895 1986 90 years, 86 days Original
Juan Francisco Fresno Larraín Chile 1914 2004 90 years, 80 days Original
Alexandru Todea (Romanian Rite) Rominia 1912 2002 89 years, 351 days Original
Paul Gouyon France 1910 2000 89 years, 338 days Original
Peter Proekuu Dery Ghana 1918 2008 89 years, 301 days 22 October 2006


Ángel Suquía Goicoechea Spain 1916 2006 89 years, 284 days Original
François Marty France 1904 1994 89 years, 274 days Original
Paolo Marella Italy 1895 1984 89 years, 264 days Original
Paul-Joseph Phạm Ðình Tụng Vietnam 1919 2009 89 years, 252 days 25 February 2008


Luis Aponte Martínez Puerto Rico 1922 2012 89 years, 250 days 13 March 2012

dala Costa & Gagnon

Elia dala Costa Italy 1872 1959 89 years, 222 days Original
Édouard Gagnon, P.S.S. Canada 1918 2007 7 October 2006


Maximos IV Sayegh Syria 1878 1967 89 years, 209 days Original
William Theodore Heard United Kingdom


1884 1973 89 years, 204 days Original
John Henry Newman, C.O. United Kingdom


1801 1890 89 years, 171 days Original
Giovanni Colombo Italy 1902 1992 89 years, 166 days Original
Fernando Cento Italy 1889 1973 89 years, 156 days Original
Giuseppe Antonio Ermenegildo Prisco Italy 1833 1923 89 years, 149 days Original
Avery Dulles, S.J. United States 1919 2008 89 years, 110 days Original
Achille Liénart France 1884 1973 89 years, 7 days Original
Stéphanos II Ghattas (Coptic Rite) Egypt 1920 2009 89 years, 4 days 27 October 2008


Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira Portugal 1888 1977 88 years, 346 days Original
François-Marie-Benjamin Richard France 1819 1908 88 years, 332 days Original
Maurilio Fossati, O.Ss.G.C.N. Italy 1878 1965 88 years, 310 days
Ernesto Corripio y Ahumada, C.O. Italy 1919 2008 88 years, 286 days 2 April 2008


Alfonso Capecelatro, C.O. Italy 1824 1912 88 years, 283 days
Alfredo Ottaviani Italy 1890 1979 88 years, 278 days
Alois Grillmeier, S.J. Germany 1910 1998 88 years, 255 days
Carlo Grano Italy 1887 1978 88 years, 171 days
Franz Ehrle, S.J. Austria 1845 1934 88 years, 165 days
Pietro Pallazini Italy 1912 2000 88 years, 145 days
Francesco Carpino Italy 1905 1993 88 years, 140 days
Ignatius Gabriel I Tappouni (Syriac Rite) Lebanon 1879 1968 88 years, 87 days
Salvatore Pappalardo Italy 1918 2006 88 years, 78 days
Giovanni Cagliero, S.D.B Italy 1836 1926 88 years, 48 days
Francesco Roberti Italy 1889 1977 88 years, 9 days
Date of Death Deceased Cardinals (81)
2000.04.06 Cardinal Bernardino Echeverría Ruiz, O.F.M. († 87) (12 November 1912 - 6 April 2000)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo (1994.11.26 – 2000.04.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Guayaquil (Ecuador) (1969.04.10 – 1989.12.07)

2000.09.26 Cardinal Paul Gouyon († 89) (24 October 1910 – 26 September 2000)

Cardinal-Priest of Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia (1969.04.30 – 2000.09.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Rennes (France) (1964.09.04 – 1985.10.15)

2006.07.13 Cardinal Angel Suquía Goicoechea († 89) (2 October 1916 – 13 July 2006)

Cardinal-Priest of Gran Madre di Dio (1985.05.25 – 2006.07.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Madrid (Spain) (1991.07.23 – 1994.07.28)

Date of Death Deceased Cardinals (81)
2000.03.12 Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-mei (龔品梅) († 98)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto (1991.06.30 – 2000.03.12)

Bishop of Shanghai 上海 (China) (1950.07.15 – 2000.03.12)

2000.03.23 Cardinal Antony Padiyara (Syro-Malabar Rite) († 79)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria «Regina Pacis» a Monte Verde (1988.06.28 – 2000.03.23)

Major Archbishop emeritus of Ernakulam–Angamaly of the Syro-Malabars (India) (1992.12.16 – 1996.11.11)

2000.04.06 Cardinal Bernardino Echeverría Ruiz, O.F.M. († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo (1994.11.26 – 2000.04.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Guayaquil (Ecuador) (1969.04.10 – 1989.12.07)

2000.05.03 Cardinal John Joseph O’Connor († 80)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo (1985.05.25 – 2000.05.03)

Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA) (1984.01.25 – 2000.05.03)

2000.05.28 Cardinal Vincentas Sladkevičius, M.I.C. († 79)

Cardinal-Priest of Spirito Santo alla Ferratella (1988.06.28 – 2000.05.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Kaunas (Lithuania) (1989.03.10 – 1996.05.04)

2000.06.04 Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, M. Afr. († 82)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Camillo de Lellis (1965.02.25 – 2000.06.04)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) (1960.04.08 – 1995.06.10)

2000.09.04 Cardinal Augusto Vargas Alzamora, S.J. († 77)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Roberto Bellarmino (1994.11.26 – 2000.09.04)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Lima (Peru) (1989.12.30 – 1999.01.09)

2000.09.22 Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo († 82)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Teodoro (1994.11.26 – 2000.09.22)

Bishop emeritus of Vasto (Italy) (1982.08.24 – 1984.07.15)

President emeritus of Disciplinary Commission of the Roman Curia (1990.12.29 – 1997)

2000.09.26 Cardinal Paul Gouyon († 89)

Cardinal-Priest of Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia (1969.04.30 – 2000.09.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Rennes (France) (1964.09.04 – 1985.10.15)

2000.10.04 Cardinal Egano Righi-Lambertini († 94)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via (1990.11.26 – 2000.10.04)

2000.10.11 Cardinal Pietro Palazzini († 88) 88 years, 145 days

Cardinal-Priest of S. Girolamo della Carità pro hac vice Title (1983.02.02 – 2000.10.11)

Prefect emeritus of Congregation for the Causes of Saints (1980.06.27 – 1988.07.01)

2000.12.14 Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky (Ukrainian Rite) († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Sofia a Via Boccea (1985.05.25 – 2000.12.14)

Major Archbishop of Lviv–Halyč–Kamyanets of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (1984.09.07 – 2000.12.14)

2001.02.08 Cardinal Giuseppe Casoria († 92)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuseppe in Via Trionfale pro hac vice Title (1993.04.05 – 2001.02.08)

Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Divine Worship (1983.02.03 – 1984.04.08)

2001.02.21 Cardinal José Alí Lebrún Moratinos († 81)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio (1983.02.02 – 2001.02.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Caracas (Venezuela) (1980.05.24 – 1995.05.27)

2001.06.11 Cardinal Pierre Étienne Louis Eyt († 67)

Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio (1994.11.26 – 2001.06.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bordeaux (France) (1989.05.31 – 2001.06.11)

2001.06.17 Cardinal Thomas Joseph Winning († 76)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea delle Fratte (1994.11.26 – 2001.06.17)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Glasgow (Scotland) (1974.04.23 – 2001.06.17)

2001.06.29 Cardinal Silvio Angelo Pio Oddi († 90)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agata de’ Goti pro hac vice Title (1979.06.30 – 2001.06.29)

Pontifical Legate emeritus for the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi (1969.06.13 – 1996.05.23)

2001.07.26 Cardinal Giuseppe Maria Sensi († 94)

Cardinal-Priest of «Regina Apostolorum» (1987.06.22 – 2001.07.26)

2001.11.08 Cardinal Paolo Bertoli († 93)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati (1979.06.30 – 2001.11.08)

Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church emeritus of Apostolic Camera (1979.05.05 – 1985.03.25)

2002.03.11 Cardinal Franjo Kuharić († 82)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Girolamo dei Croati (1983.02.02 – 2002.03.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Zagreb (Croatia) (1970.06.16 – 1997.07.05)

2002.03.12 Cardinal Louis-Marie Billé († 64)

Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio (2001.07.22 [2002.01.05] – 2002.03.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon (France) (1998.07.10 – 2002.03.12)

2002.05.22 Cardinal Alexandru Todea (Romanian Rite) († 89)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Atanasio a Via Tiburtina (1991.06.28 – 2002.05.22)

Metropolitan emeritus of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia of the Romanians (Romania) (1990.03.14 – 1994.07.04)

2002.07.25 Cardinal Johannes Joachim Degenhardt († 76)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Liborio (2001.02.21 [2001.10.14] – 2002.07.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Paderborn (Germany) (1974.04.04 – 2002.07.25)

2002.09.08 Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, O.P. († 76)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina–Poggio Mirteto (1998.06.25 [1998.10.24] – 2002.09.08)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio in commendum (1998.06.25 – 2002.09.08)

Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Bishops (1998.06.25 – 2000.09.16)

President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Latin America (1998.06.25 – 2000.09.16)

2002.09.16 Venerable Cardinal François Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận († 74)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Scala (2001.02.21 [2001.10.14] – 2002.09.16)

Bishop emeritus of Nha Trang (Vietnam) (1967.04.13 – 1975.04.24)

President of Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (1998.06.24 – 2002.09.16)

2002.09.23 Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung (胡振中) († 77)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Monte Carmelo a Mostacciano (1988.06.28 – 2002.09.23)

Bishop of Hong Kong 香港 (Hong Kong) (1975.04.05 – 2002.09.23)

2003.03.24 Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër, O.S.B. († 83)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Gioacchino ed Anna al Tuscolano (1988.06.28 – 2003.03.24)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Wien (Austria) (1986.07.15 – 1995.09.14)

Ordinary emeritus of Austria of the Eastern Rite (Austria) (1986.10.30 – 1995.09.14)

2003.04.06 Cardinal Gerald Emmett Carter († 91)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Traspontina (1979.06.30 – 2003.04.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Toronto (Canada) (1978.04.27 – 1990.03.17)

2003.04.19 Cardinal Aurelio Sabattani († 90)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Apollinare alle Terme Neroniane-Alessandrine pro hac vice Title (1993.04.05 – 2003.04.19)

Bishop-Prelate emeritus of Loreto (Italy) (1965.06.24 – 1971.09.25)

President emeritus of Fabric of Saint Peter (1983.02.08 – 1991.07.01)

Archpriest emeritus of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter (1983.02.08 – 1991.07.01)

Vicar General for the Vatican City State emeritus of Roma (Italy) (1991.01.14 – 1991.07.01)

2003.05.31 Cardinal Francesco Colasuonno (高樂天) († 78)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eugenio (1998.02.21 [1998.11.29] – 2003.05.31)

2003.07.06 Cardinal Ignacio Antonio Velasco García, S.D.B. († 74)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Domenica Mazzarello (2001.02.21 [2001.05.24] – 2003.07.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Caracas (Venezuela) (1995.05.27 – 2003.07.06)

2003.08.29 Cardinal Corrado Ursi († 95)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Callisto (1967.06.29 – 2003.08.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Napoli (Italy) (1966.05.23 – 1987.05.09)

2003.09.06 Cardinal Maurice Michael Otunga († 80)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane (1973.03.05 – 2003.09.06)

Military Ordinary emeritus of Kenya (Kenya) (1986.07.21 – 1997.08.29)

2003.12.11 Cardinal Paulos Tzadua (Ethiopic Rite) († 82)

Cardinal-Priest of SS. Nome di Maria in Via Latina (1985.05.25 – 2003.12.11)

Metropolitan emeritus of Addis Abeba of the Ethiopics (Ethiopia) (1977.02.24 – 1998.09.11)

2004.02.09 Cardinal Opilio Rossi († 93)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina (1987.06.22 – 2004.02.09)

President emeritus of Commission of Cardinals for the Pontifical Shrines of Pompeii, Loreto and Bari (1984 – 1993)

2004.03.13 Cardinal Franz König († 98)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio (1958.12.18 – 2004.03.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Wien (Austria) (1956.05.10 – 1985.09.16)

2004.05.18 Cardinal Hyacinthe Thiandoum († 83)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Popolo (1976.05.24 – 2004.05.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dakar (Senegal) (1962.02.24 – 2000.06.02)

2004.08.25 Cardinal Marcelo González Martín († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino (1973.03.05 – 2004.08.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Toledo (Spain) (1971.12.03 – 1995.06.23)

2004.10.14 Cardinal Juan Francisco Fresno Larraín († 90)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Immacolata di Lourdes a Boccea (1985.05.25 – 2004.10.14)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Santiago (Chile) (1983.05.03 – 1990.03.30)

2004.10.24 Cardinal James Aloysius Hickey († 84)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Madre del Redentore a Tor Bella Monaca (1988.06.28 – 2004.10.24)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Washington (USA) (1980.06.17 – 2000.11.21)

2004.11.02 Cardinal Gustaaf Joos († 81)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Pier Damiani ai Monti di S. Paolo (2003.10.21 [2004.02.22] – 2004.11.02)

2004.11.18 Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu († 92)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini (1976.05.24 – 2004.11.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (1975.04.22 – 1990.07.10)

Deceased Cardinals Death Age by 15 December 2008
Luigi De Magistris Italy 23 February 1926 2022 95 years 358 days Carpio 88 years, 276 days
Desmond Connell Ireland 24 March 1926 2017 90 years, 334 days Muñoz Vega 88 years, 276 days
Agostino Cacciavillan Italy 14 August 1926 2022 95 years 204 days O’Boyle 88 years, 276 days
Emmanuel Wamala Uganda 1926 Alive 98 years, 87 days Carter 88 years, 276 days
Jorge Arturo Medina Estévez Chile 23 December 1926 2021 94 years, 142 days Congar 88 years, 276 days
Luis Pascual Dri Argentina 1927 Alive 97 years, 329 days 88 years, 276 days
Eduardo Martínez Somalo Spain 31 March 1927 2021 94 years, 142 days Aloisi Masella 88 years, 276 days
László Paskai, O.F.M. Hungary 8 May 1927 2015 88 years, 101 days 88 years, 276 days
Angelo Sodano Italy 23 November 1927 2022 94 years, 205 days 88 years, 276 days
Júlio Duarte Langa Mozambique 1927 Alive 97 years, 136 days 88 years, 276 days
Friedrich Wetter Germany 1928 Alive 97 years, 20 days 88 years, 276 days
Elio Sgreccia Italy 6 June 1928 2019 90 years, 364 days 88 years, 276 days
Ernest Simoni Albania 1928 Alive 96 years, 136 days 88 years, 276 days
Walter Brandmüller Germany 1929 Alive 96 years, 66 days 88 years, 276 days
Michael Michai Kitbunchu Thailand 1929 Alive 96 years, 46 days 88 years, 276 days
Darío Castrillón Hoyos Colombia 4 July 1929 2018 88 years, 318 days 88 years, 276 days
Sebastian Koto Khoarai, O.M.I. Lesotho 11 September 1929 2021 91 years, 218 days 88 years, 276 days
Adam Maida United States 1930 Alive 94 years, 359 days 88 years, 276 days
Thomas Stafford Williams United States 1930 Alive 94 years, 357 days 88 years, 276 days
Julian Herranz Casado Spain 1930 Alive 94 years, 346 days 88 years, 276 days
Paul Poupard France 1930 Alive 94 years, 194 days 88 years, 276 days
Salvatore De Giorgi Italy 1930 Alive 94 years, 187 days 88 years, 276 days
Janis Pujats Latvia 1930 Alive 94 years, 118 days 88 years, 276 days
Camillo Ruini Italy 1931 Alive 94 years, 21 days 88 years, 276 days
Sergio Sebastiani Italy 1931 Alive 93 years, 335 days 88 years, 276 days
Lucian Mureșan Romania 1931 Alive 93 years, 293 days 88 years, 276 days
Florian Desprez France 1807 1895 87 years, 292 days
José María Martín de Herrera y de la Iglesia Spain
António Mendes Bello Portugal
Angelo Di Pietro Italy 1828 1914 86 years, 197 days
Antolín Monescillo y Viso Spain 1811 1897 85 years, 343 days
Luigi Serafini Italy 1808 1894 85 years, 240 days
Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano Italy 1828 1913 85 years, 151 days
Louis-Nazaire Bégin Canada

Deceased Cardinals (43)
Cardinal Louis-Henri-Joseph Luçon († 87)
Cardinal Andreas Franz Frühwirth, O.P. († 87)
Cardinal Pierre-Paulin Andrieu († 85)
Deceased Cardinals (35)
Cardinal Federico Cattani Amadori († 86)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro (1935.12.19 – 1943.04.11)

Secretary emeritus of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1924.02.14 – 1935.12.19)

Cardinal Adolf Bertram († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le mura (1919.12.18 – 1945.07.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Wrocław (Poland) (1930.08.13 – 1945.07.06)

Cardinal Enrico Sibilia († 86)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto (1939.12.11 – 1948.08.04)

Deceased Cardinals
Cardinal Dennis Joseph Dougherty († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo (1921.03.10 – 1951.05.31)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Philadelphia (USA) (1918.05.01 – 1951.05.31)

Cardinal Domenico Jorio († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Apollinare alle Terme Neroniane-Alessandrine pro hac vice Title (1946.02.18 – 1954.10.21)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Sacramental Discipline (1935.12.20 – 1954.10.21)

Cardinal Jules-Géraud Saliège († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pudenziana (1946.05.17 – 1956.11.05)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Toulouse (France) (1928.12.17 – 1956.11.05)

Cardinal Georges-François-Xavier-Marie Grente († 87 years, 0 days)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme (1953.01.15 – 1959.05.05)

Archbishop-Bishop of Le Mans (France) (1943.03 – 1959.05.05)

Cardinal Federico Tedeschini († 86)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati (1951.04.28 – 1959.11.02)

Datary of His Holiness of Apostolic Dataria (1938.02.25 – 1959.11.02)

Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter (1939.03.14 – 1959.11.02)

Deceased Cardinals (55)
Cardinal Pietro Fumasoni Biondi († 87) (Italy)
Cardinal Nicola Canali († 87) (Italy)
Cardinal Jozef-Ernest van Roey († 87) (Belgium)
Cardinal Pierre-Marie Gerlier († 85) (France)
Cardinal Clemente Micara († 85) (Italy)
Cardinal Santiago Luis Copello († 87) (Argentina)
Cardinal Francesco Bracci († 87) (Italy)
Cardinal Augustin Bea, S.J. († 87) (German)
Death Deceased Cardinals
1971.01.20 Cardinal Antonio Bacci († 85)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eugenio (1960.03.31 – 1971.01.20)

Secretary emeritus of Secretariat of Briefs to Princes (1931 – 1960.03.28)

1972.02.21 Cardinal Eugène-Gabriel-Gervais-Laurent Tisserant († 87)

Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (1951.01.13 – 1972.02.21)

Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina (1946.02.18 – 1972.02.21)

Grand Master of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre) (1960.08.19 – 1972.02.21)

1973.03.08 Cardinal Benjamin de Arriba y Castro († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio (1953.10.29 – 1973.03.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Tarragona (Spain) (1949.01.22 – 1970.11.19)

1973.05.07 Cardinal Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F. († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Maria (1969.04.28 – 1973.05.07)

Superior General emeritus of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist Precursor (1959 – 1973?)

1976.02.26 Cardinal Efrem Forni († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme (1962.03.22 – 1976.02.26)

1976.04.02 Cardinal Carlo Grano († 88)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello (1967.06.29 – 1976.04.02)

Head of Protocol emeritus of Secretariat of State (1945 – 1952)

1977.07.16 Cardinal Francesco Roberti († 88)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. XII Apostoli (1967.06.26 – 1977.07.16)

Prefect emeritus of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1959.11.14 – 1969.03.24)

1977.08.02 Cardinal Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira († 88)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro (1929.12.19 – 1977.08.02)

Military Vicar emeritus of Portugal (Portugal) (1966 – 1972)

1979.07.06 Cardinal Antonio María Barbieri, O.F.M. Cap. († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Crisogono (1958.12.18 – 1979.07.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Montevideo (Uruguay) (1940.11.20 – 1976.11.17)

1979.08.03 Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani († 88)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Domnica pro hac vice Title (1967.06.26 – 1979.08.03)

Pro-Prefect emeritus of Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1965 – 1968.01.06)

Date of Death Deceased Cardinals (49)
1984.08.26 Cardinal Lawrence Joseph Shehan († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente (1965.02.25 – 1984.08.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Baltimore (USA) (1961.12.08 – 1974.03.25)

1987.12.16 Cardinal Bernardus Johannes Alfrink († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Gioacchino ai Prati di Castello (1960.03.31 – 1987.12.16)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Utrecht (Netherlands) (1955.10.31 – 1975.12.06)

Military Vicar emeritus of Netherlands (Netherlands) (1957.04.16 – 1975.12.06)

1988.10.29 Cardinal Thomas Benjamin Cooray, O.M.I. († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo (1965.02.25 – 1988.10.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Colombo (Sri Lanka) (1972.05.22 – 1976.09.02)

1988.11.09 Cardinal Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista Decollato pro hac vice Title (1979.06.30 – 1988.11.09)

Prefect emeritus of Prefecture of the Apostolic Palaces (1967.04.01 – 1969.04.09)

Date of Death Deceased Cardinals (69)
1991.11.13 Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger, P.S.S. († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria degli Angeli (1953.01.15 – 1991.11.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Montréal (Canada) (1950.03.25 – 1968.04.20)

1992.03.15 Cardinal Sergio Guerri († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of SS. Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano pro hac vice Title (1979.06.30 – 1992.03.15)

Pro-President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State (1969 – 1981.09.26)

1992.07.18 Cardinal Giuseppe Paupini († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of Ognissanti in Via Appia Nuova pro hac vice Title (1979.06.30 – 1992.07.18)

Camerlengo emeritus of College of Cardinals (1987.06.22 – 1988.05.02)

1993.05.24 Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo († 66)

Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe e S. Filippo Martire (1991.06.28 – 1993.05.24)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Guadalajara (Mexico) (1987.05.15 – 1993.05.24)

1993.10.05 Cardinal Francesco Carpino († 88)

Cardinal-Bishop of Albano (1978.01.27 – 1993.10.05)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Palermo (Italy) (1967.06.26 – 1970.10.17)

1994.03.26 Cardinal Owen McCann († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede (1965.02.25 – 1994.03.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cape Town (South Africa) (1951.01.11 – 1984.10.20)

1994.08.19 Cardinal Antoine Pierre Khoraiche (Maronite Rite) († 86)

Cardinal-Patriarch (1983.02.02 – 1994.08.19)

Patriarch emeritus of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon) ([1975.02.03] 1975.02.15 – 1986.04.03)

1994.11.28 Cardinal Vicente Enrique y Tarancón († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto (1969.04.30 – 1994.11.28)

Archbishop emeritus of Madrid (Spain) (1971.12.03 – 1983.04.12)

1995.05.21 Cardinal Agnelo Rossi († 85)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina–Poggio Mirteto (1984.06.25 – 1995.05.21)

President emeritus of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (1984.04.08 – 1989.12.06)

1996.03.03 Cardinal John Joseph Krol († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Mercede e S. Adriano a Villa Albani pro hac vice Title (1967.06.29 – 1996.03.03)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia (USA) (1961.02.11 – 1988.02.11)

1996.04.23 Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, O.P. († 86)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Gesù agonizzante a Vitinia (1987.06.22 – 1996.04.23)

President emeritus of Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1979 – 1994)

1997.12.08 Cardinal Laurean Rugambwa († 85)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa Grande (1960.03.31 – 1997.12.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) (1968.12.19 – 1992.07.22)

1998.09.13 Cardinal Alois Grillmeier, S.J. († 88)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere (1994.11.26 – 1998.09.13)

See Also